Starting soon! Primarily will work with Megacam.
2 years working on the ATLAS project, which had 2 half meter robotic telescopes for surveying the available night sky every 2 days in order to find near earth asteroids. Mostly worked on operations and scheduling of observations, as well as finding ways to improve operations.
9 years working on various aspects of the Pan-STARRS telescope and database - culmination of my work was the DR1 and DR2 databases, which can be accessed here: . Worked on day to day operations of the image processing pipeline, a system designed to process images from the 1.4 Gigapixel camera.
As a grad student worked on the 18" ROTSE telescopes as well as the AEOS Burst Camera. Science focus was on Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBS), specifically early (within minutes) and deep optical observations of Swift alerts. Worked on the pipeline (perl / idl), and testing the camera (2k by 2k E2V CCD with Leach controllers).