
Heather AH7RF

I became a ham radio operator in May 2018. I've already done a lot of things and had a lot of fun. Here are some links:

QRZ page for AH7RF
AH7RF Honolulu HI VHF SDR - centered on 146.980

I have given a number of ham radio talks (mostly over the internet) and am happy to talk to your club (if my schedule permits). Contact me at ah7rf_at_arrl.net if interested.

My Favorite Hawaii Ham Radio Links

40meter.net - HF net in Hawaii -- HF radio in hawaii
hawaiiares.info - ARES in hawaii -- good place for info on Hawaii ARES exercises
earchi.org - ham radio club in Honolulu -- the club I attend in Hawaii
Ron AH6RH's ham radio website -- this has everything!
Stacy KH6OWL's ham radio website -- this also has everything!
Kevin AH6QO's dashboard -- focus on emcomm in Hawaii
Blake KH7MS's website -- the place for info on Brandmeister DMR in Hawaii

My Favorite Outside of Hawaii Ham Radio Links

This is not a complete list of links!

ARRL -- I am a member! Publisher of QST and other magazines, plus other benefits
Winlink -- 1995 style of email, but over RF. Bonus, the sounds are kind of like 9600 baud modems
eham.net -- my go to for reviews of ham equipment
QRZ -- like facebook for hams
APRS.fi -- like gps for hams
sota.org.uk -- Summits on the air, aka, hike somewhere cool and transmit!

Want your link listed here?

Do you know of a great site that should be listed? Let me know (ah7rf_at_arrl.net), and if I agree I'll add it in :-)